The CFO Mentor Approach
As a CFO Mentor, I understand that change and growth is not always easy.
Since 1985, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs and finance teams respond to business transitions and challenges, while staying financially viable and growing value.
My years of experience have taught me to always make your business and financial success my priority.
My network of experts is ready to help you develop your financial strategies for surviving and thriving in the future.
My focus is on leveraging 10 key financial drivers across your value chain can produce immediate value improvement.
Give me a call today to set up your first FREE consultation
Why We Are Different
"I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."
- Abraham Maslow, the father of psychology or motivation.
This saying has also been attributed to Mark Twain, the famous American writer, and Bernard Baruch, a market speculator. It has become known as "the law of Instrument”.
The reality of business is that there is no one solution to the multitude of issues that confront owners and managers of businesses in creating a sustainable and thriving value-creating business.
“I have spent more than 40 years in business and finance, having experienced the joys of success resulting from an idea whose time has come, experiencing massive market acceptance, with a team who have been fully supportive of a compelling idea. I have also suffered the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”, defeats; where there has been poor vision, bad teamwork, bad timing, and losses.”
"The difference between success and failure is not in the latest cutting edge tool or business guru’s book someone has read, but in a multifaceted, systematic approach, bringing in the right people, at the right time, with right ideas, doing the right thing, together ….. and lots of luck.”
- Mike Gray CEO of CFO Mentor
We have assembled teams at CFO Mentor & Business Mentor who are specialists in various facets of business strategy, finance, and management over 20 years, who together with a vast network business expertise from sales and marketing to tax and funding, will tailor-make a solution to fit your needs. No one size fits all situations solutions. We do not shove our latest mumbo-jumbo, leading-edge, industry-disrupting gizmo down your throat and try fit “square pegs into holes”.
Together, we will find the right fit solutions to meet your needs at your stage of business development and enable you to create sustainable value.
Contact us for a free consultation – and no this free offer is not running out any time soon - so we can wait until you need us.
CFO/Mentor/Chartered Accountant/Business Strategist
Michael Gray

“There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries” (Shakespeare)
I love to share my knowledge, experience, and skills with Boards, CEO's/ CFO's/ Entrepreneurs/ Business Owners looking to create value in their businesses and the lives of those whom they touch. This requires insight into catching the right waves that power success and experience for avoiding the swamps that drain resources and energy.
I help take business strategy beyond interesting ideas to realised opportunities through direction finding, systematic feedback, and efficient, effective, and economic implementation and control. I love to help people who have encountered the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" after having decided to follow their dreams. I assist CEO's/ Entrepreneurs/ Business Owners to build valuable businesses and lives.
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson
There is nothing that makes me feel fulfilled and happy than helping a client overcome adversity, go on to achieve their full potential, and beat the odds.
I have played many roles in my life from Business Owner, CEO, Director, Strategist & Entrepreneur. I am also a seasoned CFO (with a Strategist/ Entrepreneurial flair), having experienced many an ebb and flow of business cycle over 45 years with varied industry experience - mining, house, banking, accounting practice, airlines, aircraft chartering, franchising, corporate travel, and management consulting.
My specialties are Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy, Corporate Finance, Tax Strategy/Structuring, Financial Management, M&A, Corporate Governance, Audit, Risk, Remuneration, and Investment Committees, Family Office Management, Investment, IFRS, FP&A, Accounting, Audit, Business Management, Franchising, Brand Marketing and Sales Management.